ricky's ragg
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Confiscatory land use laws and regulations and all the "planning" of the last 30-odd years were perpetrated by a group of people at the cutting edge of public opinion manipulation. The growth of anti-growth can be tied directly to the increasing sophistication of PR means and methods.

Polling, focus groups, all kinds of then "new" tactics were being tested. This group's blatant elitism and skewed view of individual "rights" went nowhere until they learned to use "disinformation" and the media to hide their real intentions and motivations.

They hide because they have to - it's a way of life for them. Responsibility is their boogeyman and they really are scared of it. They are, however, quite responsible for the "mess" we're in now with Measure 37. It will be instructive and amusing now to watch 'em wiggle and squirm to divert attention from their handiwork.

They managed to hijack zoning laws, enact new laws, impose regulations and fees to advance their "agenda". This was done with their characteristic callous disdain for all those affected by their precious "vision". They created the unfair system, which in turn created the inequities, which they are now cynically trying to use to turn property owners against each other. They have no sense of responsibilty - except to themselves. Anything and anyone is fair game to accomplish their goals. The more litigation and discord among neighbors the better.

Their diabolical plan (I hate to think they actually considered this 30 years ago) has left IEDs near all the roads to land use sanity. They need and want CHAOS. It hides their tracks.

They are terrorists.
They foment unrest and confusion.
Everyone is a valid target.
They don't CARE!

Lurking behind their facade of reasonableness - "concern" for the environment, their wish to "preserve" open spaces for "future generations" ? is a cold, calculating bunch of brownshirts whose real goal is to subsume your rights to their purposes. Since you're not as smart or sophisticated as they are, the possibility that you'll exercise your rights threatens them, personally. Their self-image is so fragile and dependent upon constant reinforcement that ANY freedom you retain in the face of their "planning" represents the ultimate threat. Without others to step on, they can't even walk.

These people hide themselves among reasonable folks who have honest and valid concerns about growth and development, but their shrill, strident cries set them apart. They don't want compromise or "fairness",

they want what they WANT.

Instead, remarkably, the court gave what they DESERVED.

Looks as if 1000 Friends is down to 993.

With friends like these...

Now we need to stay on the offensive and publicize the role of 1000 Friends and their ilk in CREATING most of the problems that will follow, and public opinion will drive them back to the margins of the debate.

Where they belong.
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